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The colored Click-To-Give button is located in the upper-left section of the homepage of any of our Click to Give sites, and is labeled "Click here - it's FREE!" If you are having trouble seeing the button, or if other parts of the top section of the page are improperly formatted on top of the button, try clearing your cache by holding down your shift key and reloading the page.
If the problem persists, you may be using an outdated browser version. Although we work hard to accommodate the most recent versions of the most widely-used browsers, making the site function with very old or outdated browser versions requires a heavy investment in both time and resources. As such, GreaterGood has made a conscious decision to stop supporting very old versions in order to focus our resources on supporting our partner charities. Our goal is to support them in their ongoing efforts to help people, animals, and the environment.
We continue to support many of the most recent versions of popular browsers, but if you are using Internet Explorer 7 or earlier, or an old version of an uncommon browser, your experience on our website may be affected. Please consider updating your browser. Click here to see some of the most popular browsers, and update to the current version of your favorites.
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